28 research outputs found

    Design and experimentation of a solar power system powering measurement chains in concrete structures strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer rebars

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    Aquest treball de fi de grau té com a objectiu explorar la viabilitat d'utilitzar plaques solars per alimentar cadenes de mesura en estructures de formigó enfortides amb barres de polímer reforçat amb fibra (FRP). Els principals objectius són: dur a terme una investigació profunda per entendre el funcionament de cada element que conforma el sistema, valorar diverses alternatives, identificar aspectes a tenir en compte respecte a la configuració del model, dissenyar un sistema d'energia solar a mida i realitzar-hi proves experimentals. L'experiment implica una prova de flexió de 3 punts, on la barra de FRP s’ha sotmès a diferents condicions de càrrega. La mesura de la tensió ha sigut l'objectiu principal, tenint en compte la seva sensibilitat a la temperatura, factors ambientals i variacions de càrrega. La prova revela diferències entre la suspensió de càrrega directa i les suspensions seqüencials, destacant l'impacte de la magnitud de la càrrega, la distribució i la resposta estructural en els valors de deformació. Els resultats han demostrat l'eficàcia dels panells solars per proporcionar energia sostenible per a les cadenes de mesura. L'anàlisi d'alternatives mostra el potencial de l'energia solar en aquests tipus de muntatges i com a conseqüència la possible contribució al desenvolupament sostenible dels sistemes de mesura en el sector de la construccióEste trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo explorar la viabilidad de utilizar placas solares para alimentar cadenas de medida en estructuras de hormigón fortalecidas con barras de polímero reforzado con fibra (FRP). Los principales objetivos son: llevar a cabo una investigación profunda para entender el funcionamiento de cada elemento que conforma el sistema, valorar diversas alternativas, identificar aspectos a tener en cuenta respecto a la configuración del modelo, diseñar un sistema de energía solar a medida y realizar pruebas experimentales. El experimento implica una prueba de flexión de 3 puntos, donde la barra de FRP se ha sometido a distintas condiciones de carga. La medida de la tensión ha sido el principal objetivo, teniendo en cuenta su sensibilidad a la temperatura, factores ambientales y variaciones de carga. La prueba revela diferencias entre una suspensión de carga directa y suspensiones secuenciales, destacando el impacto de la magnitud de la carga, distribución y respuesta estructural en los valores de deformación. Los resultados han demostrado la eficacia de los paneles solares para proporcionar energía sostenible a las cadenas de medida. El análisis de alternativas muestra el potencial de la energía solar en este tipo de montajes y como consecuencia de la posible contribución al desarrollo sostenible de los sistemas de medida en el sector de la construcciónThis final project aims to explore the viability of using solar panels for powering measurement chains in concrete structures reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer bars (FRP). The main objectives of the thesis are to carry out in-depth research to understand the operation of each element that makes up the system, assess various alternatives, identify aspects to take into account regarding the configuration of the model, design a custom solar energy system and carry out experimental tests. The experiment involves a 3-point bending test, where the FRP rebar has been subjected to different load conditions. The strain measurement has been the primary focus, considering its sensitivity to temperature, environmental factors, and load variations. The test reveals differences between a direct load suspension and sequential suspensions, highlighting the impact of load magnitude, distribution, and structural response on strain values. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of solar panels in providing sustainable energy for measurement chains. The analysis of alternatives shows the potential of solar energy in this type of set ups and therefore the possible contribution to the sustainable development of measurement systems in the construction secto

    Les pipes de ceràmica no caolínitica trobades a Barcelona: producció i comerç als segles XVII-XIX

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    In this article we are dealing with the study of a set of pipes found in Barcelona, identifying local pieces, predominantly the pipes d'escudeller. These feature three types of finishes: tin-glazed cover decorated in blue, polychrome, and green glazed surfaces. There are also pipes with a glazed surface in brown tones known as pipes d'oller. Apart from the locally manufactured pieces, we have been able to document a notable set of pipes from the area of Catalonia, with Palamós as the main manufacturing centre, as well as a large number of pipes which can be attributed to the Eastern Mediterranean. The study also refers to tampers, objects for their cleaning and maintenanceNous abordons dans cet article l’étude d’un groupe de pipes trouvées à Barcelone, identifiées comme étant de production locale parmi lesquelles les pipes de vaisselier (escudellers) dominent avec trois types de finitions : recouvertes d’une décoration bleue stannifère, polychromes et les pipes vitrifiées en vert. Il existe également des pipes de potier (ollers) dont la surface est vitrée dans des tons de marrons. En marge des productions locales, on a pu documenter un groupe important de pipes appartenant à la zone de la Catalogne, avec Palamós comme principal centre de production, ainsi qu’une grande quantité de pipes que l’on peut attribuer à la Méditerranée orientale. On trouve aussi des bourre-pipes, des objets servant à leur nettoyage et à leur entretienEn este artículo se aborda el estudio de un conjunto de pipas halladas en Barcelona, identificándose producciones locales, entre las que predominan las pipas de escudellers con tres tipos de acabado: cubierta estannífera decorada en azul, en policromía y vidriadas en verde. También se han diferenciado las pipas de oller con la superficie vidriada en tonalidades marrones. Al margen de las producciones locales, se ha podido documentar un importante grupo de pipas pertenecientes al área de Cataluña, con Palamós como centro productor principal, así como una gran cantidad de pipas que se pueden adscribir al Mediterráneo oriental. Asimismo, se presentan atacadores, objetos relacionados con la limpieza y el mantenimiento de las mismasEn aquest article s’hi aborda l’estudi d’un conjunt de pipes trobades a Barcelona, en què, d’entre les produccions identificades com a locals, predominen les pipes d’escudellers amb tres tipus d’acabats: coberta estannífera decorada en blau, en policromia i les vidriades en verd. També s’hi han diferenciat algunes pipes d’oller amb la superfície vidriada en tonalitats marrons. Al marge de les produccions locals, s’hi ha pogut documentar un grup important de pipes procedents de l’àrea de Catalunya, amb Palamós com a centre productor principal, com també una gran quantitat que és poden adscriure al Mediterrani oriental. Així mateix, s’hi han trobat atacadors, uns objectes que és relacionen amb la neteja i el manteniment de les pipe

    Auditory target and novelty processing in patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis: A current-source density study

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    The capacity to respond to novel events is crucial for adapting to the constantly changing environment. Here, we recorded 29-channel Event Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) during an active auditory novelty oddball paradigm and used for the first time Current Source Density-transformed Event Related Brain Potentials and associated time-frequency spectra to study target and novelty processing in a group of epileptic patients with unilateral damage of the hippocampus (N = 18) and in healthy matched control participants (N = 18). Importantly, we used Voxel-Based Morphometry to ensure that our group of patients had a focal unilateral damage restricted to the hippocampus and especially its medial part. We found a clear deficit for target processing at the behavioral level. In addition, compared to controls, our group of patients presented (i) a reduction of theta event-related synchronization (ERS) for targets and (ii) a reduction and delayed P3a source accompanied by reduced theta and low-beta ERS and alpha event-related synchronization (ERD) for novel stimuli. These results suggest that the integrity of the hippocampus might be crucial for the functioning of the complex cortico-subcortical network involved in the detection of novel and target stimuli

    Verbal Learning and Longitudinal Hippocampal Network Connectivity in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery

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    IntroductionLearning new verbal information can be impaired in 20-40% of patients after mesial temporal lobe resection. In recent years, understanding epilepsy as a brain network disease, and investigating the relationship between large-scale resting networks and cognition has led to several advances. Aligned studies suggest that it is the integrity of the hippocampal connectivity with these large-scale networks what is relevant for cognition, with evidence showing a functional and structural heterogeneity along the long axis hippocampus bilaterally. ObjectiveOur aim is to examine whether pre-operative resting-state connectivity along the long hippocampal axis is associated with verbal learning decline after anterior temporal lobe resection. MethodsThirty-one patients with epilepsy who underwent an anterior temporal lobe resection were pre-surgically scanned at 3-tesla, and pre/post-surgery evaluated for learning deficits using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task (RAVLT). Eighteen controls matched by age, gender and handedness were also scanned and evaluated with the RAVLT. We studied the functional connectivity along the (anterior/posterior) long axis hippocampal subregions and resting-state functionally-defined brain networks involved in learning [executive (EXE), dorsal attention (DAN) and default-mode (DMN) networks]. Functional connectivity differences between the two groups of patients (learning intact or with learning decline) and controls were investigated with MANOVA and discriminant analysis. ResultsThere were significant differences in the pattern of hippocampal connectivity among the groups. Regarding the anterior connectivity hippocampal pattern, our data showed an increase of connectivity in the pathological side with the DAN (p = 0.011) and the EXE (p = 0.008) when comparing learning-decline vs. learning-intact patients. Moreover, the non-pathological side showed an increase in the anterior connectivity pattern with the DAN (p = 0.027) between learning-decline vs. learning-intact patients. In contrast, the posterior hippocampus showed a reduction of connectivity in the learning-decline patients with the DMN, both in the pathological (p = 0.004) and the non-pathological sides (p = 0.036). Finally, the discriminant analysis based on the pre-operative connectivity pattern significantly differentiated the learning-decline patients from the other groups (p = 0.019). ConclusionOur findings reveal bilateral connectivity disruptions along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampi with resting-state networks, which could be key to identify those patients at risk of verbal learning decline after epilepsy surgery

    Reward-based decision-making in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis pre- and post-surgery

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    Background: Correct functioning of the reward processing system is critical for optimizing decision-making as well as preventing the development of addictions and/or neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, apathy, and anhedonia. Consequently, patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy due to unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (mTLE-UHS) represent an excellent opportunity to study the brain networks involved in this system. Objective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate decision-making and the electrophysiological correlates of feedback processing in a sample of mTLE-UHS patients, compared to healthy controls. In addition, we assessed the impact of mesial temporal lobe surgical resection on these processes, as well as general, neuropsychological functioning. Method: 17 mTLE-UHS patients and 17 matched healthy controls completed: [1] a computerized version of the Game of Dice Task, [2] a Standard Iowa Gambling Task, and [3] a modified ERP version of a probabilistic gambling task coupled with multichannel electroencephalography. Neuropsychological scores were also obtained both pre- and post-surgery. Results: Behavioral analyses showed a pattern of increased risk for the mTLE-UHS group in decision-making under ambiguity compared to the control group. A decrease in the amplitude of the Feedback Related Negativity (FRN), a weaker effect of valence on delta power, and a general reduction of delta and theta power in the mTLE-UHS group, as compared to the control group, were also found. The beta-gamma activity associated with the delivery of positive reward was similar in both groups. Behavioral performance and electrophysiological measures did not worsen post-surgery. Conclusions: Patients with mTLE-UHS showed impairments in decision-making under ambiguity, particularly when they had to make decisions based on the outcomes of their choices, but not in decision-making under risk. No group differences were observed in decision-making when feedbacks were random. These results might be explained by the abnormal feedback processing seen in the EEG activity of patients with mTLE-UHS, and by concomitant impairments in working memory, and memory. These impairments may be linked to the disruption of mesial temporal lobe networks. Finally, feedback processing and decision-making under ambiguity were already affected in mTLE-UHS patients pre-surgery and did not show evidence of clear worsening post-surgery

    Hippocampus and insula are targets in epileptic patients with glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies

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    Background: Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD ab) have been found in patients with limbic encephalitis (LE) and chronic pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy (FE). The objectives of the study were to: (1) analyze the clinical and neuroimaging course of patients with FE+GAD ab, (2) compare these characteristics with a control group, and (3) describe the most affected cerebral areas with structural and functional imaging. Methods: Patients with FE + high titers of GAD ab and a follow-up of at least 5 years were selected. Titers of serum GAD ab exceeding 2,000 UI/ml were considered high. Evolutive clinical and radiological characteristics were studied in comparison to two different control groups: patients with bilateral or with unilateral mesial temporal sclerosis (BMTS or UMTS) of a non-autoimmune origin. Results: A group of 13 patients and 17 controls were included (8 BMTS, 9 UMTS). The most frequent focal aware seizures (FAS) reported by patients were psychic (5/13: 33%). Somatosensorial, motor, and visual FAS (4/13:32%) (p: 0.045), musicogenic reflex seizures (MRS), and a previous history of cardiac syncope were reported only patients (2/13:16% each) (p: NS). Comparing EEG characteristics between patients and controls, a more widespread distribution of interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) was observed in FE+ GAD ab patients than in controls (p:0.01). Rhythmic delta activity was observed in all controls in anterior temporal lobes while in patients this was less frequent (p: 0.001). No IED, even in 24 h cVEEG, was seen in 6 patients (46%).First MRI was normal in 4/5 (75%) patients. During the follow-up mesial temporal lobe (MTsL) sclerosis was observed in 5/8 (62%) of patients. All patients had abnormal FDG-PET study. MTL hypometabolism was observed in 10/11 (91%) patients, being bilateral in 7/11 (63%). In controls, this was observed in 16/17 (94%), and it was bilateral in 8/17 (47%) (p: NS). Insular hypometabolism was observed in 5/11 (45%) patients (P:0.002). Conclusions: Clinical, EEG, and FDG-PET findings in FE+GAD ab suggest a widespread disease not restricted to the temporal lobe. Progressive MTL sclerosis may be observed during follow-up. In comparison to what is found in patients with non-autoimmune MTL epilepsy, insular hypometabolism is observed only in patients with GAD ab, so it may be an important diagnostic clue

    El silenci d'Agustí Pisaca

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    Treball de fi de grau d'Humanitats. Curs 2017-2018Director: Antonio MonegalAgustí Pisaca i Pujadas (1850-1918) va ser un fotògraf amateur barceloní de principis de segle. Seguint els passos del seu pare, va interessar-se per la fotografia artística i es va convertir, així, en un dels fundadors i impulsors del pictorialisme català gràcies a la seva exposició pionera a la Sala Parés l’abril de 1905. La seva producció fotogràfica la localitzem durant els primers quinze anys de segle XX en la que va arribar a ser conegut com un ferm defensor de la tècnica de la goma bicromatada

    El silenci d'Agustí Pisaca

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    Treball de fi de grau d'Humanitats. Curs 2017-2018Director: Antonio MonegalAgustí Pisaca i Pujadas (1850-1918) va ser un fotògraf amateur barceloní de principis de segle. Seguint els passos del seu pare, va interessar-se per la fotografia artística i es va convertir, així, en un dels fundadors i impulsors del pictorialisme català gràcies a la seva exposició pionera a la Sala Parés l’abril de 1905. La seva producció fotogràfica la localitzem durant els primers quinze anys de segle XX en la que va arribar a ser conegut com un ferm defensor de la tècnica de la goma bicromatada

    Mapping connectivity fingerprints for presurgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Background: surgery may render temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients seizure-free. However, TLE is a heterogenous entity and surgical prognosis varies between patients. Network-based biomarkers have been shown to be altered in TLE patients and hold promise for classifying TLE subtypes and improving pre-surgical prognosis. The aim of the present study is to investigate a network-based biomarker, the weighted degree of connectivity (wDC), on an individual level, and its relation to TLE subtypes and surgical prognosis. Methods: thirty unilateral TLE patients undergoing the same surgical procedure (anterior temporal resection) and 18 healthy controls were included. All patients were followed-up in the same center for a mean time of 6.85 years and classified as seizure-free (SF) and non seizure-free (non-SF). Using pre-surgical resting state functional MRI, whole brain wDC values for patients and controls were calculated. Then, we divided both temporal lobes in three Regions-of-interest (ROIs) -mesial, pole and lateral- as these areas are known to behave differently in seizure onset and propagation, delimiting different TLE profiles. The wDC values for the defined ROIs of each individual patient were compared with the healthy group. Results: after surgery, 14 TLE patients remained SF. As a group, patients had higher wDC than controls in both the temporal pole (p < 0.05) as well as in the mesial regions (p < 0.002) of the to-be-resected temporal lobe. When comparing between SF and non-SF patients, a step-wise binary logistic regression model including all the ROIs, showed that having an increased wDC of the temporal pole (p < 0.05) and the mesial area (p < 0.05) of the to-be-resected temporal lobe was associated with seizure freedom long-term after surgery. Conclusions: this study provides a network-based presurgical biomarker that could pave the way towards personalized prediction. In patients with TLE undergoing anterior temporal resections, having an increased wDC at rest could be a signature of the epileptogenic area, and could help identifying those patients who would benefit most from surgery

    Stroke-induced immunosuppression: implications for the prevention and prediction of post-stroke infections

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    Abstract Stroke produces a powerful inflammatory cascade in the brain, but also a suppression of the peripheral immune system, which is also called stroke-induced immunosuppression (SIIS). The main processes that lead to SIIS are a shift from a lymphocyte phenotype T-helper (Th) 1 to a Th2 phenotype, a decrease of the lymphocyte counts and NK cells in the blood and spleen, and an impairment of the defense mechanisms of neutrophils and monocytes. The direct clinical consequence of SIIS in stroke patients is an increased susceptibility to stroke-associated infections, which is enhanced by clinical factors like dysphagia. Among these infections, stroke-associated pneumonia (SAP) is the one that accounts for the highest impact on stroke outcome, so research is focused on its early diagnosis and prevention. Biomarkers indicating modifications in SIIS pathways could have an important role in the early prediction of SAP, but currently, there are no individual biomarkers or panels of biomarkers that are accurate enough to be translated to clinical practice. Similarly, there is still no efficient therapy to prevent the onset of SAP, and clinical trials testing prophylactic antibiotic treatment and β-blockers have failed. However, local immunomodulation could open up a new research opportunity to find a preventive therapy for SAP. Recent studies have focused on the pulmonary immune changes that could be caused by stroke similarly to other acquired brain injuries. Some of the traits observed in animal models of stroke include lung edema and inflammation, as well as inflammation of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid